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The Molecular Plant and Fungus Interactions (MPFI) Lab @NCHU

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Investigating how plant cell surface receptors recognize fungal effectors and induce hypersensitive response (HR). 


Similar to humans, plants rely on immune systems to sense the presence of external microorganisms. Based on the molecular signals either present on or secreted by these microbes, plants induce immune responses of different magnitudes. Notably, some receptors on plant cell membranes can detect effectors secreted by pathogenic fungi, triggering a defense response. Our study will investigate the interactions between fungal effectors and plant receptors, aiming to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying plant immunity.


Fungal pathogens secrete a variety of effectors during host infection to facilitate invasion and suppress host immune responses. Although many of these effectors serve as critical virulence factors, the functions of most remain unknown. In our laboratory, we utilize AI-driven protein structure prediction tools such as AlphaFold to analyze secreted proteins from various Colletotrichum pathogens. This approach aims to elucidate the functional diversity of these effectors and to investigate their interactions with host plants.


Structural genomics approach for elucidating the functional diversity of effectors in Colletotrichum spp.

Develop Spray-Induced Gene Silencing (SIG)-based biochemical pesticides for controlling plant pathogens and insect pests

RNA interference (RNAi) is a mechanism in eukaryotes that regulates gene expression and defends against viral invasion. This RNAi system is present in most fungi, plants, and insects. Recent studies have demonstrated that certain pathogens and insects can uptake environmental or plant-derived double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or small interfering RNA (siRNA), leading to the silencing of target genes. Consequently, specifically designed dsRNA or siRNA molecules can be employed for targeted control of various plant diseases and insect pests. In our laboratory, we have recently developed an E. coli-based dsRNA production platform and optimized the purification process, achieving yields of approximately 1 mg of dsRNA from a 300 mL bacterial culture. In collaboration with domestic and international research partners, we aim to develop dsRNA biochemical agents for the control of storage fungal diseases, viruses, and insect pests.

RNAi是真核生物中一個調節基因表現與抵抗病毒入侵的機制,絕大多數的真菌、植物與昆蟲也具有此RNAi機制。近年研究指出,有些病原菌或昆蟲可以吸收環境或是透過植物體內的dsRNA或是siRNA,使病原菌或害蟲的目標基因靜默,因此經由設計的dsRNA或是siRNA,可以用於專一性的防治不同植物病害或是害蟲。本研究室近年已經開發大腸桿菌dsRNA生產平台,並改良dsRNA純化方法,在實驗室中300 mL大腸桿菌中可以獲得約1 mg的dsRNA,透過與國內外研究單位合作,我們將開發dsRNA生化藥劑用於防治貯藏性真菌病害、病毒、害蟲等。

Utilizing AI-based protein structure prediction and design approaches in the development of resistant cultivars

In recent years, our laboratory received funding from the Ministry of Science and Technology to acquire a server equipped with Nvidia GPUs for running AI protein structure prediction software such as AlphaFold 3, ColabFold, and AlphaPulldown. Our goal is to leverage these advanced tools to accelerate the development of resistant crops, and we sincerely invite researchers from all disciplines to join us in discussion and collaboration.

本研究室近年獲得國科會補助採購具有Nvidia GPU的伺服器用於使用AI蛋白質預測軟體如Alphafold 3、Colabfold、Alphapulldown等,目標應用這些軟體加速抗性作物的培育,歡迎各方研究討論與合作。

Molecular Plant and Fungus Interactions (MPFI) Lab @NCHU


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